The Visionary's Journey

Feng Shui Enhancements for Successful Art Studios - with Kerri Miller - S2E4

Emily Falcigno Season 2 Episode 4

Text us: What Vision do you want to manifest?

Unlock the transformative power of Western Feng Shui with Kerri Miller,  expert in the art of energizing environments. 

This episode is for Artists preparing for Open Studios, and anyone seeking to elevate your creative Zone of Genius and invite prosperity.  
 We discuss: 

 Our discussion with Kerri Miller will equip you with simple acts that can reignite your passion and refresh your perspective. 

Connect with Kerri Miller on Facebook and her Website
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Podcasting transformed Emily's career.

In Season 1, Episode 9, Emily processes her own Visionary's Journey.

It led to her Holistic Space Organizing business, Room to Transform.

We reorganize your space as a Walk-In Vision Board where you feel supported on your next phase of life, so you can manifesting your dreams.

Thanks for listening and good luck on your Visionary's Journey!

Kerri Miller:

you can certainly declutter or you can just move things, like just like you were saying, even just to move artwork around or switch things in and out. You know, even if you pick nine items and move them from one side of the room to the other side of the room, or set a timer for 10 minutes and move as much as you can in that timeframe, it starts to force the energy to move in a new way and that forces you to feel it really makes the blocks release. So you will start to feel lighter and you'll start to feel a new, fresh perspective come forth from having that support of the energy flow welcome back to the's Journey.

Emily Falcigno:

I am your guide, Emily Falcigno she her pronouns and this is season two. This season we're manifesting using your spaces. In season one, episode nine, I shared my own wiggly path. My intuitive journey inspired me to start my holistic organizing business called Room to Transform.

Emily Falcigno:

Room to Transform is for situationally disorganized professionals who are going through a life or a career transition. Remember, have self-compassion. Life transitions are hard and one day we all have to turn and face the strange changes. So with our collaborative walk-in vision board process, you resuscitate your neglected life goals, clarify your life vision and reorganize a supportive physical space to jump into new things, jive with new habits in your next phase of life or career, or exciting new hobby. We'll gain insight from fellow journeyers who are identifying their values just like you. We'll also hear from visionaries who cross our paths. They'll show us how they embody their values, how they translate those values into physical spaces around them and how they take intentional action in their lives.

Emily Falcigno:

Room to Transform's core value is to lead with compassion so that we can build more inclusive communities. This season we are doing a special community vision board segment. I am asking each guest to contribute to our community vision board on Pinterest. You can follow along at pinterestcom. Forward slash room to transform Life is a big experiment, and so is this show. We embrace imperfections and learn as we go. Come on, our future selves are cheering us on.

Kerri Miller:

I'm good. It's great to be here. Thanks for having me.

Emily Falcigno:

Thank you so much for being my guest today. I've been looking forward to this for years, basically, I think, since we met at Pepper Lane.

Kerri Miller:

Yeah, quite a while ago, but that's good, we've been connected for a while, yeah.

Emily Falcigno:

Yeah, and I've been on your mailing list and I think we have a little session together too. A while back.

Kerri Miller:

Yep, we did yeah.

Emily Falcigno:

And it was really helpful actually, because, if you can see behind me, friends, I've got a like hilarious picture of my family, which I believe is in my family corner, and a lamp from my grandmother who just passed so it's like her her light and spirit is around.

Kerri Miller:

I love that. That's so intentional. That's what we want.

Emily Falcigno:

Today, our guest is Kerri Miller. She is an author, speaker and owner of Feng Shui Pathways, and the title of her book is Feels Better, flows Better. Feng Shui for Inspired Living. And that is the gist of what we're going to talk about today. And since I'm working with creatives, I thought we can do this with creatives in mind, but we can also think about anybody that's rearranging their space, even if you're a business owner or not. Sounds good, you can apply this to your space too. The way I like to start interviews is how we met. We met at a women's empowerment and business leadership.

Kerri Miller:

And really like connecting and networking. To me, it was about gathering with like-minded people to support each other.

Emily Falcigno:

On the nose, yes, and it felt really like a community. We all stayed in touch, so I'm so glad that you could be here today, thank you. One way I start this is like with quick lightning round questions. So where are you on the spiritual spectrum? Do you have an inner guide? Do you follow astrology, or what type of astrology? If so, intuition or what type of astrology? If so, intuition.

Kerri Miller:

I feel like I'm down the rabbit hole on that topic. I really love learning and exploring and I definitely feel like a seeker in terms of understanding energy, astrology, spirituality in all forms, and I definitely have an inner guide that I connect with as often as I can and try to listen to and and follow that intuition. Um, getting better at that finally in life being the seeker.

Emily Falcigno:

So do you mean you're you like take bits and pieces from different religions and stuff, or what do you mean by that?

Kerri Miller:

yeah, I would say it's actually more from different modalities. So everything from energy healing to astrology, to human design, to Akashic records, to feng shui, to connecting with channeling energy, that's kind of where I the path that I follow, I love, I just love learning and exploring all of that.

Emily Falcigno:

Cool. This is why I knew we would connect well. Like I'm totally into all of that stuff too. And another lady from Pepperl ane, Heather Maguire. I interviewed her a few years ago and that was like we talked about this kind of thing too. Like we're just interested in, like really curious about all the different energetics um around, intuition and, yeah, medium reading and stuff like that absolutely.

Kerri Miller:

I love Heather, I I know Heather and she's wonderful, wonderful and very connected, spiritual and intuitive herself yes, yes.

Emily Falcigno:

So feng shui kind of has this energetic element to it, right? Yes?

Kerri Miller:

definitely, and it has lots of different elements because there are multiple schools of feng shui that have evolved over centuries of time. So some of them look at the energy of the land and how that flows, some of them look at the energy of the stars and some of them look at the energy of you know, directional directions and location, and it really looks at the energy of physical items and how they're impacting you. Lots of layers, lots of layers with it.

Emily Falcigno:

Wow, cool. Oh, we're going to get into a lot of people today. Okay, Besides family and friends, what makes your heart burst with joy?

Kerri Miller:

This is good. I love dogs Definitely make my heart burst with joy. I would say beaches, walking on the beach, absolutely joy bringing for me. And travel I love to travel. I don't travel enough, but I love to travel.

Emily Falcigno:

What do you love about traveling?

Kerri Miller:

I just love. I feel like there's you kind of drop your, you become more vulnerable because you're in a place where you're unfamiliar and you have to put yourself out there and get out of your comfort zone and to me that really shakes things up in life and opens up lots of experiences that you might not have otherwise.

Emily Falcigno:

Great way to put it shakes things up. In manifesting. We build our dreams on feelings and subconscious beliefs. When you set a goal for your business, how do your beliefs bolster your goals?

Kerri Miller:

That's such a good one. I feel like sometimes I have to do a lot of work to get my beliefs behind my goals. So, in other words, you know, I for some reason I have these big goals and I set them, but I do feel like I have limiting beliefs that hold me back from them. So I do a lot of work on that. So things like EFT and tapping or journaling and really trying to work out a lot of visualizing myself succeeding at the goals so that I can get comfortable with being at that level before I get there. So for me it's a lot of work.

Emily Falcigno:

That's a good point. Getting comfortable I love how you said that. Getting comfortable, being at that level before you get there. Yeah, because it is like a more emotional, yes, yeah.

Kerri Miller:

That kind of thing. It's a lot more than checking off boxes.

Emily Falcigno:

Yeah, that's a really good tip. Now we're going to shift into feng shui. Tell us the purpose of feng shui and what those words mean, so maybe flip it. What are the words mean?

Kerri Miller:

Yeah, feng shui is translated as wind and water, and those two, wind and water, represent seen energy and unseen energy. And that's really what we're assessing with feng shui is the energy flow within a space, some of which you can see and some of which you can't see.

Emily Falcigno:

So the things that you can see would be items like actual positioning of items in the room.

Kerri Miller:

Yes, exactly yes.

Emily Falcigno:

Yeah, okay. Or like the wind would be the flow of the energy around those things.

Kerri Miller:

Yeah, it's moving, but you just can't see it. And it's there, yeah, and it's affecting you. So, even though you're not really aware of it and you can't see it, it's having an influence on you. So that's my passion is to make people aware of it and to help them see it. It's having an influence on you. So that's my passion is to make people aware of it and to help them tap into it and shift it so that it is working with them instead of against them.

Emily Falcigno:

Cool, all right. All right, I took a little class from you earlier this year and it was all about the energy of the year and why people should pay attention. So right now, as we're recording, it is April. Um, so I don't know if that energy changes throughout the year, or you know, just tell us a little bit about that it does change throughout the year, um the.

Kerri Miller:

This is a powerful year in feng shui terms for two reasons.

Kerri Miller:

Like every year, there's a new energy that comes in, and in chinese astrology, each year is ruled by an element and an astrological animal.

Kerri Miller:

This year is the year of the wood dragon, so there are personalities that come with that energy this year, like dragons, are considered mysterious and they're all about building momentum and they're very full of authority and also good fortune, and so it brings a lot of that element into the coming year.

Kerri Miller:

But it's also about having a lot of mindfulness, because dragons bring with it a lot of fast moving energy and change and transformation, and so, from a personal standpoint, being mindful, being grounded so that you can weather the changes, is really what part of the energy is for this particular year. And this is also a powerful year because we moved into a new 20-year period, which is marked in feng shui, and so we moved from period eight to period nine, and period eight was a very stable energy, so for the last 20 years, very stable and grounded energy of earth energy, and we're moving for the next 20 years into a period that's ruled by fire energy, which is very fast moving and transformative, so you're going to start feeling the difference, like things are going to speed up technology and fire-based businesses will be really well received.

Emily Falcigno:

What is fire based?

Kerri Miller:

So fire represents industries like technology, ai, electronics. All of that will see a growth because the fire energy will support those types of industries.

Emily Falcigno:

Interesting. Okay, so creatives are really affected by AI right now. Yes, yep, so everybody, stay grounded, we'll figure it out. We'll figure it out together. Okay, so staying grounded. I've noticed that I've had to stay grounded a lot lately, like I just imagine a little root coming out of my root so you're like sit bones or your feet growing roots down into the ground.

Kerri Miller:

Perfect. I love it. Yeah, and I think that the big part of it is to be connected to your own inner knowing and like, if you know what's important to you and what you stand for and what you value, just get really grounded in all of that, because there's going to you and what you stand for and what you value, Just get really grounded in all of that because there's going to be a lot of you know. Do this. This is important. This is taking off. Follow this path because of the fast moving energy and if you're grounded and listening to yourself, you can stay true to the right path for you and not get overly emotional about things that are going on that you have no control over.

Emily Falcigno:

Good point. Okay, so we're going to get more into the specifics of feng shui. I know like right now, some people are getting ready for open studios, and I know that open studios happens throughout the year in different places. So well, this question is kind of zooming into a space, and a lot of people share spaces, especially in, like big factory buildings that have been turned into art studios. Yeah, there's something called a Bagua map. Do you want to tell us about that? What is that?

Kerri Miller:

Yeah, so the Bagua map is a tool that we use in feng shui, which we use over the layout of any space. That shows us where energy centers are that relate to different parts of our life. So we can zero in within our space and find a part of your room that's related to your career and a part of your room that's related to your career, and a part of your room that's related to wealth and prosperity, and a part of your room that's related to love and partnership. And once you've identified those energy centers, you can optimize them to energize that part of your life or your work. So it's a really powerful way to turn your surroundings into a three-dimensional vision board that helps you manifest and create the life and work that you want.

Emily Falcigno:

I want to know everything. I just want to point out that another reason I invited Kerri here today is because we both talk about your space being a 3D vision board for your life. So how do you set up your space to support your intentions? So, instead of it just being a reflection of what you do from day to day, you walk in, you put your stuff down, you get to work, you finish, you leave stuff around, you leave, and then the next day you're like wait a minute, where was I? You know, doing feng shui or organizing with your intentions in mind is a better approach. That's the word I'm looking for. That's a good word. So in feng shui they have a how do you say it? Bagua Bagua map. Okay, with the energy centers, cool. So that is the um like actual map that you use to start a job.

Kerri Miller:

Yes, yes, it's one of the tools that I use on the job.

Emily Falcigno:

Yeah, Okay, cool, um, and how do you orient it? Just so people know.

Kerri Miller:

So the map is oriented where the front of the map lays, starting at the entrance to your home or to your apartment or to your room. So that's really where it gets oriented. So, whatever the entrance to the space is, that's where the front of the map is, and the front of the map is where the career area is along that map.

Emily Falcigno:

Okay, okay cool, that's where I have my desk set up.

Kerri Miller:

Just to describe it a little bit more, the map looks like a tic-tac-toe board, so it's a square or rectangle that's divided into nine segments, and each one of those segments is a life area.

Emily Falcigno:

Cool. Thank you for clarifying. So say people are in shared spaces, like how would they orient it?

Kerri Miller:

So if they're working in a shared space, like perhaps they have one room and there's one studio, are you referencing studio spaces?

Emily Falcigno:

Yeah, so in a studio space like I was in one where I walked in and there were no walls and it was just like one person's space, set up with desks around it to delineate the individual spaces, um, and there were about four in this space okay, yeah, so I would say there's two ways to do that, or two layers to do.

Kerri Miller:

Number one, to orient the map from the main entrance to that open space and just to get a feel of, you know, artist number one, her space actually ends up falling in the wealth corner and the family area. Artist number two, her space falls in the love area. Like, it's really helpful to just know where, within the overall Bagua map, your workspace is falling, and knowing that you can really, you know, enhance those areas or enhance the other areas that aren't as magnified, or enhance the other areas that aren't as magnified. And then, from each individual workspace, you could almost pretend that you drew it off or taped it off, and create an entrance into each one and orient the Bagua map from that imaginary entrance to each individual space. And so then they each have their own Bagua map and they can activate the areas of the map within their specific corner.

Emily Falcigno:

Okay, great, thank you for clarifying that. That's really helpful. We've had this conversation before, but yeah, I want everybody to know what in your in, like the feng shui world, is clutter clutter.

Kerri Miller:

Just because it's piled in the corner doesn't mean it's clutter, but what I would say is that if you don't use it, if you don't love it, if you don't need it, if it's not being honored, then it's probably leaning towards the clutter definition. A lot of people will keep many items that they don't use, they don't need, they don't love, just in case they need them in the future. But that is really blocking energy and potential from this present moment and I would say it reflects a lack of trust that the universe provides when you need it.

Emily Falcigno:

This is a huge problem with artists. I'm so glad you brought that up, because I've been in spaces that are so cluttered that I'm like, and okay, I'm using clutter in a different way, but say it's like a wood shop, right, and there's so much wood in the shop that you can't even get to your tools? Yeah, that's prohibiting you from doing the work that you want to be doing. Yeah, so I think that's what you're talking about, where it's, and the trust. I love that you brought up the trust that the universe provides for you.

Kerri Miller:

Yes, in perfect timing.

Emily Falcigno:

Yes, I'm like playing devil's advocate in my head, like, well, if I were the one to have the item, I would have it and I would provide for myself in the future. Yeah, I've thought about different ways that we can like solve this problem for artists.

Kerri Miller:

I what my experience has been with artists is that when they are in the creative zone of genius, it gets messy and that's part of their process, but there is a point where it tips over and it's not productive anymore and it becomes a block to their creative genius or it slows down their creative genius. And so I think there's an awareness level of okay, this project is done. Now Let me reset and put myself in a good position to allow the energy to flow again, so that the next project is just as divinely inspired by vital chi and energy flowing as the last one was.

Emily Falcigno:

Yes, I'm going to share a tip here, right here too, because one like trick that I use and I don't know if you know about this terminology, because it's for two-dimensional art. When you look at two-dimensional art, there's something called negative space in the composition. So, like the positive space is the, like I'm looking at a painting, I I've made up a diver and I've got a ton of negative space in it and like the guy only takes up four inches and the rest of the thing is 22 inches long. So the negative space is all the space around the subject, right? And when you brought up the tape, I like to have people even take out blue tape and make so say you want to actually do something in your space.

Emily Falcigno:

Say you need to get the wood out so that you can put a chair in there to sit down. You need to leave space around the chair so you can move the chair around, right, so you take some tape and you put it on your floor where that chair goes, you treat it as a volumetric object. Yeah, so you don't impede that space. You don't put anything there, right, so you use it as a way to do your work, okay, so we were talking about, yeah, that tip over phenomenon when we have too much stuff in our space that is impeding us from actually doing artwork. That is in our creative zone of genius. I love that you use that phrase. I love that phrase.

Kerri Miller:

I mean, I would say that what people what I think most of the population doesn't realize is that when a space is full, even if it's full of things that you know, feel like they'll inspire creativity for you at some point. Maybe you use them in artwork or you'll use them in a creation at some point, so you're holding on to it until later. All of that stuff slows the energy down and makes the energy not move, which means your own personal vitality slows down and your inspiration slows down and eventually it becomes a block which makes it harder for you to create and do the thing that you love. And it's hard to let go of those things. But often, once you do let go of it, you let go of a lot of decision fatigue and it.

Kerri Miller:

I mean, if I could equate this back to when my children were young and they had a million toys and I managed them all. So I would take half of the toys and store them away for part of the year and as soon as I did that, all of a sudden they could see everything that they had to play with again and they would be much more engaged with their toys. And then we would put those away and take the old ones out and they would be all excited again. So it would really re-spark the energy for them and allow energy to flow to support that playtime. And I think that I think the creatives need to allow that same kind of space and negative space as you're talking about in order to let the creative ideas and action flow.

Emily Falcigno:

That is a very good way to describe it. Yeah, I'm also thinking for non um artists do the same thing with the artwork in your space. I feel like people get really overwhelmed by um, oh my God, where am I going to place this artwork? But think about it the same way Kerri was talking about the toys like, curate it in seasons, and you can. I mean, I know that putting stuff on the wall is a tedious task. Your season can be three years. It doesn't have to be like fall, spring, winter. Let's see their season Summer. I'm like what? Okay, okay, great points. I'm glad we brought that up. Yeah, what do we do about the energetic blocks when they show up in the spaces? We already talked about a couple of ways that we can declutter, but do you have any other, like feng shui, specific ways to clear up energetic blocks?

Kerri Miller:

Yeah, I would say, if you're feeling stuck or you're feeling that creative block going on, or even if your space feels heavy and when you're sitting in your space you feel tired and uninspired, there's a few things that you can do. That's a sure sign that the energy is not flowing and not supporting you and the work that you're doing in the space. And so, number one, I would suggest opening any doors and windows, if you can, and letting some fresh, vital energy from the outdoors in. That will really lift up the energy of the space. It will also diffuse any stuckness that you've felt or frustration that you've felt or emotion that you felt with past projects that you've been working on, so it will really lighten up the space.

Kerri Miller:

You can certainly declutter or you can just move things, like just like you were saying, even just to move artwork around or switch things in and out. You know, even if you pick nine items and move them from one side of the room to the other side of the room, or set a timer for 10 minutes and move as much as you can in that timeframe, it starts to force the energy to move in a new way and that forces you to feel it really makes the blocks release. So you will start to feel lighter and you'll start to feel a new, fresh perspective come forth from having that support of the energy flow.

Emily Falcigno:

Something that's getting stuck in my mind why nine?

Kerri Miller:

Nine is a powerful number in numerology and in feng shui, and especially right now. We've just entered period nine for the next 20 years. That was what I was talking about with the fire energy. So for the next 20 years we'll be in period nine. So nine is an extra auspicious number for the next 20 years. So it's just, I mean really could pick any number at all, but why not add some intention to it as well?

Emily Falcigno:

Because that's what we're all about right now Intention, yes. Okay, you also talk about not changing too much all at once and so, like, even by the time this, I edit this and have it come out, you might have, just like a week before, open studios in Somerville. So why do you say not to change too much at once? And if you know, and if they're not doing the full feng shui of their space, what areas should creatives focus on? How do they decide what areas to focus on? What would be like? How would they decide, like a quick priority, to change?

Kerri Miller:

Yeah, so I mean, I think that that's very individualized for each person, but in general terms, the reason why I tell people not to change too much at once is because you're not just moving stuff around, you're shifting energy and you know, sometimes people might do a big move or rearranging things and then all of a sudden they're really tired, they're burnt out, they get sick or they're, you know, even people in the space will start to get, you know, frustrated and angry at each other. That's a response to that shifting energy. Your personal energy body hasn't evolved and adjusted to the new energy flow that you've just created, which sometimes can feel chaotic for a little bit. So that's why I think less is more in that case. So that's why I think less is more in that case. The other thing is is that if you change things and it doesn't feel right and it starts to feel worse, it's hard to know what to go back and undo if you've done so much. So if you change one thing and sit with it for a day or two and then change something else and sit with it for a day or two, you can assess how it feels and go, you know, decide whether or not it feels good and you can move forward or undo it and go backwards. So I think it's just a matter of baby steps and remembering that it's not just physical items, it's energy that you're moving and that impacts you.

Kerri Miller:

So take it easy, make it slow and then, in terms of figuring out where to start, I would say I mean there's so many ways that I could answer that I mean you can look at the Bagua map and you can decide which one of the life areas you're looking to focus on in your life, which part of your life needs the most jumpstart, needs the most jumpstart, and you could look at that part of your studio space or that part of your room and focus on making adjustments or changes to that one area to get the energy flowing in a new way so that you have energized that part that has felt a little stuck or stale until that point.

Kerri Miller:

So I think that, in general terms, that's probably the best way for people to start with that. Yeah, so, for example, if you're a creative and you have a big show coming up and you need a burst of energy to get through and produce what you need to have available for the show, you might focus on the creative area of your Bagua map and the creative area of your studio space and, you know, declutter that space, make, maybe put some items there that honor the work or the project that you're working on, so that it helps jumpstart the energy for that burst of energy that you need.

Emily Falcigno:

Yeah, I'm. I'm thinking about my own personal thing, like I'm going over to my friend's house to do my studio, quote, unquote, that's actually her studio. So just pick one thing so say I'm going to focus on selling prints, maybe the front where we go, like there's career. What are all the different ones?

Kerri Miller:

So we look at career, knowledge and intuition, family wealth and prosperity, and then we look at fame, love, creativity, helpful people and health and well-being. So there's nine altogether and I mean, if you're looking at selling, I would honestly just focus on the wealth area. You're looking at bringing income in, so I might make sure that that wealth area was decluttered. Maybe put some of your prints up there, maybe put some affirmations up there about your prints selling quickly and easily. You could even, you know, put some you know fake bank statements or checks in that corner saying how much income you brought in from print sales. There's lots of fun ways that you can really just it's really about it's almost like visualizing in advance what you want to create.

Emily Falcigno:

So, but you're doing it in a three-dimensional way in your space okay, and I know that you brought up before um, how sometimes it's like your block isn't coming from money, it's coming from another place. Like that it's connected to.

Kerri Miller:

Yeah, yeah. So it can be like, for example, you might oh, I want to make more money through my art business, but you might be afraid of being visible and putting your art out there to be seen and and actually selling it, and so you can do a lot of work and changes in the wealth corner, but you also need to release that block in that fame and visibility area. So you know they kind of go hand in hand. If you release the block in the fame and visibility area, then you feel more confident about putting yourself and your artwork out there and as you feel more confident, people like your stuff more and they buy it more. So it ends up being almost like a domino effect.

Kerri Miller:

Sometimes the block that's holding the income back is in another part. I've actually worked with clients who are amazing creatives but they are facing an illness. Facing an illness, so when they are healthy they can be really creative and really outspoken about sharing their artwork, and when they aren't feeling well, they have to take a step back. And so it's the health area of the Bhagwan map that we look at in that area and see if we can support their health, which will ultimately support their wealth. Does that make sense?

Emily Falcigno:

Yes, oh, that's so interesting. Okay, okay, everybody got that. Are you writing notes? I feel like this is one that you really want to write notes for, okay. So now I'm thinking about the visitor's perspective, and I know, even though I'm an artist myself, as a visitor to other people's spaces, I was always intimidated to go into spaces. I feel like people don't know how to talk about art or, you know, they usually lean on the like oh, how did you make this, you know? Yeah, question do you have any recommendations for setting up a space that visitors like want to feel welcomed in or like less intimidated by.

Kerri Miller:

Yeah, I mean, I've actually gone to a lot of open studios myself and I I can see like some people are really good at this, like you really want to make your space welcoming and draw them in.

Kerri Miller:

So if they're coming down the hallway, you know having some things at the front that really catch their attention and but also continue to draw them into the space, into the studio.

Kerri Miller:

So it's it's kind of a fine line between drawing people in and making sure that they can come all the way in and walk around and not getting them to bottleneck at the front of the studio so that other people who are walking by keep walking by because they can't see an easy entrance in. And I think that you can do that by using your artwork and even your conversations to show them here. Let me show them here. Let me show you this, let me show you this. And and guide people through the space so that not everybody's staying in one location, and being aware of how you're setting up your art and your supplies so that people can move freely around it and come in and come out. It's the energy moving. If people are getting stuck there, that's a sign that the energy is getting stuck there too, so that's always a reflection that you can do more to call the energy into your studio.

Emily Falcigno:

Wow, okay, I need to get this out there fast Because I feel like this is something that people are going to have to think through. You know, yeah, yeah, like people have to go upstairs to get to mine, for instance. So, like, so, for, yeah, and for even those big factory buildings where you're on the third floor and people don't maybe walk up all that way, yes, like, direct them towards the elevator, if there's an elevator, or put something fun in the stairwell if it's like vernon street. You know, people have to. Yeah, and a lot of wayfinding, yes, would be great. More wayfinding in vernon street police, because they, they have like two buildings that are connected and nobody knows how to get to. Once, like a secret passageway to get to one spot. And even, yeah, around town. They're doing a lot of we're going to be volunteering, doing wayfinding around town, but I'm so glad you brought up that bottleneck.

Kerri Miller:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, for shared spaces, even allowing everybody to see everything yeah, and think like if you think about more of like a trade show set up where people have a little booth where they might be selling their artwork or their wares and everybody is standing in front of the table looking at things. So the people walking by can't view what's at the table. So like if there's a way to spread that out or lift things up so people walking by can still see what you have, even though they can't see what might be directly in front on the table.

Emily Falcigno:

Great points, thank you. Okay. So here's a question for you. In what ways have you applied feng shui to your space to help you in your business?

Kerri Miller:

Yeah, so many ways. I mean number one, keeping the space decluttered so that I'm not distracted and I can focus on what needs to get done at hand. Lot of I would call them enhancements in my space that help keep me focused on what my projects are or my calendar is, so that when I sit down I don't have to fudge around thinking about what I need to get done. I'm reminded of it by looking in certain places. So it's really about setting up the space to use it strategically to remind me how to show up and what energy to show up in. And then I also set up my space so that I'm in the power spot in the room, so that there are places in the room that are more calm and focused, and I use that to my advantage. There are parts of the room that are kind of in the wave of energy and that can be unsettling or draining to be in, so I stay away from those types of spaces can you give us an example of one of those?

Kerri Miller:

yeah. So you're actually sitting in a power spot right now because you have a solid wall behind you and I'm assuming that you can see the room in front of you. The ideal situation is to have a solid. I don't have it right now because I have the window behind me.

Kerri Miller:

But if you've had a solid wall behind you, a table in front of you, a view of the room and a view of the entrance to the door, that allows your central nervous system to relax just automatically because it can see what's coming at it. It also takes that void of energy that would be floating behind you if you had your back to an open space and that relaxes your central nervous system so that gives you more energy to retain, you're not worried about your central nervous system or subtle body isn't worried about what could go wrong, it's able to relax and that gives you more energy to put into your work, your projects, your creative endeavors, so you can use the energy flow of the room to your advantage in that way. So, for example, in that studio space that is shared, if somebody were feng shui savvy, they could select the corner of the room that is more energetically conducive to um, you know, to being calm, to being more focused, to being more inspired, if they, if they had the, you know, had paid attention to it.

Emily Falcigno:

Oh, or like set up a false wall, maybe, or something.

Kerri Miller:

Yes, yes, that's true.

Emily Falcigno:

Yep, yep, okay, cool, cool. Thank you so much. That's really helpful. You're welcome. A couple more fast things we are doing a community vision board on pinterest. Okay. So what? Like how would you like to make an impact this year for yourself, for your business, and how do you want others to support themselves in the feng shui space? Like what do you envision for the community this year?

Kerri Miller:

so I would say, uh, the way that I would love people to support themselves is to and even to support the community is to think about the environment that they're in and really like there are energies all around you that you can tap into that will encourage your creativity, your wealth, your health, and so I would say, pay attention to your surroundings and tap into that and use it to your advantage and and make sure it's all working with you to strengthen yourself and your inner body, and that, in turn, will allow you to give more to the community. Does that answer the question? Well, yeah, yeah.

Emily Falcigno:

Yeah, um. I'll pull out some words for that, and I can even like talk to you afterwards and say cool, that resonates Awesome, yeah, um, okay. So what do you have to promote? What's going on? What do you want people to know about? How can they get in touch with you?

Kerri Miller:

Yeah, so the best way to follow me is on Facebook. That's where I am most often. I do lots of live videos and tips and inspiration there. A lot of it gets pushed over to my Instagram accounts. Those are both Kerri Miller, feng Shui that's where you find me, and I would also encourage people to check out my website and to sign up for my newsletter. I often do free workshops and free webinars about various topics in feng shui and I think you can learn a lot just by following my work. Of course, I'm available for one-on-one feng shui quick consultations, both on site or virtually. So those are all the ways to get a little bit more feng shui inspiration and or to work with me in the future.

Emily Falcigno:

Great, Thank you so much for sharing. I hope a lot of people get in touch with you.

Kerri Miller:

Thank you.

Emily Falcigno:

Thank you, it would be prudent.

Kerri Miller:

It would be really fun to connect with everyone, so, yeah, Well, thank you so much for being here today thank you for having me. It was a great conversation.

Emily Falcigno:

Thank you, yes thank you so much for listening. I hope you gleaned some helpful ideas to apply to your own visionary's journey. One action step you can take right now is to download our gut alignment PDF. The link is in the show notes. By reflecting on your values using our journal prompts, you'll start to see how your values are in and out of alignment. Remember, aligning your values is the first step to manifesting more easily when you need help taking action to reorganize your spaces around your values. Reach out to me at roomtotransformcom forward slash about. There's a contact page there and I would love to hear your ideas. Ciao for now, my visionaries. See you next time on the visionary's journey.

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